VMG Associates Training Consultants: Tele: 07885 343366  Email: margaret.wood@vmgassociates.co.uk

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The Change for the Better framework, through which we support women experiencing the menopause, their managers, and organisations to explore, understand, plan, and put actions in place considers:

•    what is getting in the way of individuals having their best life possible during menopause transition

•    how to motivate and support themselves at work and at home

•    how to support women in menopause at work

•    looking forward positively and setting out the steps to get there

•    how to optimise skills, talents, and expertise during the menopause transition and beyond.

At both micro and macro levels there are benefits in supporting women to remain in, or to re-enter the workplace for as long as they choose. Retaining their skills and talents or supporting them to retrain/acquire new skills will provide both personal and economic advantage.

The Change for the Better framework addresses the three perspectives – women, managers, and the organisation.

It  is a dimension of Diversity and Inclusion which deserves attention and is also an approach which supports the work organisations, public health bodies and Government are currently engaged in around mental health. In doing so it enhances an employer brand and reputation, demonstrating commitment to being an employer of choice and to staff well-being and by getting the right people involved within organisations and sectors who will see this as a long-term strategic prospect and not a one-off initiative.

We use the term ‘women’ when describing those affected by the menopause. However, we note that transgender and non-binary people may be affected by the menopause and this applies equally to those transgender and non-binary employees.

‘We can all experience life’s changes in the most positive way when we have the support and resources to do so’

 I focus on combining development in mental toughness, resilience, and confidence with techniques and tools for managing personal change and career planning.

For women experiencing the menopause it is a powerful combination to enable them to make choices about how to make the most of this life stage and for the long term post the menopause.

‘Empowering women to thrive during menopause transition and beyond and businesses to optimise their talents’

 I focus on the issues faced by older women, especially during menopause transition and the impact this has on their careers and subsequent productivity.

Bearing in mind that women have, potentially, a third of their lives to live

 post menopause, I want to support them in fulfilling their true potential and organisations to benefit from their skills and talents.


Mobile: 07885 343366

Margaret Wood

Denise Campbell

Change for the Better Team

Contact: denise.campbell@dclearning.co.uk

Mobile: 07917 549481